Adecco Coffee Chats: Thriving in Transitions

Transitions are difficult.

Studies into a new job? Applying for BTO? Having to forfeit your BTO deposit because you found that you can’t stand your partners’ seven cats? Getting a promotion?  Facing new challenges or opportunities that may be out of your comfort zone?

All through life, you’ve done your best to meet expectations. At every stage, you’ve learned to excel in the roles and responsibilities of a previous position, but when transition hits, the confidence and surety you once had, gives way to an impending sense of uncertainty.

During such moments, it’s easy to clamor for the comfort you had in the past. Your mind clouded by thoughts of, “Will I succeed?”

You may feel like you are not up for the challenge, or even quiet quit.

However, it is precisely in these moments that hope invites you to new horizons. Persevere a little further, beyond the frustrations of the messy middle, and you’ll find new connections, memories, opportunities, and adventures awaiting.

Remember that when you most feel like raising the flag, this too shall pass.

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